Absurd Propaganda & Lies

Redefined Medical Terminology — “Disease”

I must admit to never having attended medical school or written a dictionary, but my affinity for consistency as an anchor for using language to convey meaning led me to some troubling observations during the Pandemonium.

Let’s start with disease. A disease is a collection of symptoms that collectively imply impairment of a (usually biological) system. A disease often has multiple etiologies (causes). When COVID-19 was immediately named in connection with the understood viral cause, SARS-CoV-2, somehow the whole world of medicine and medical science just kinda missed the implicit bias in terms of etiological descriptions. So, nobody ever bothered to suggest that adverse event profiles resulting from vaccination that might very well be the result of the spike protein (which varies widely: here, here, here, here, here, here, and elsewhere)…are also COVID-19 (I call it Type II COVID-19). It is interesting to be in email threads with vaccine partisans (public health officials, some doctors, academics, etc.) who have no idea what to do with the term because they meander through the conversation pretending I never brought up the question. They either cannot get over the cognitive dissonance of the branching of the definition, or they’re simply corrupt to the point they’ll commit murder through deliberate negligence.