Absurd Theories Of Disease

Germ Theory Vs. Terrain Theory

I’m not fan of false dichotomies—particularly when they’re codified as principles or even laws—but when I hear that 99.9999999% (give or take) of people who died from an illness were either (1) very old, (2) suffered autoimmune conditions, or (3) were otherwise unhealthy (comorbidities) that include obesity and diabetes, my primary thought is:

“Okay, my terrain (body/sack of water, carbon, hair and stuff) is pretty much impervious [to COVID-19] if I exercise at least three hours a week and maintain a healthy diet. Okay, I’ll take vitamins and zinc and supplemental helpers too because I can afford it and I’m not an absolute moron.”

Wikipedia’s entry for terrain theory was actually changed to “Germ theory denialism” and falsely claims that the theory contradicts and even “denies” germ theory. Huh.