Absurd Public Health Measures

Autopsies — Or the Lack Thereof

The IHO has collaborated with the Interdimensional Health Organization (IDHO) in the examination of all data that has existed or will ever exist to construct the following tautological identity:

There is no possible universe in which authorities capable of obtaining autopsies for research to understand a deadly disease would not want that information and data. 

Yet, for some strange reason, almost no autopsies have been performed (to the knowledge of the public) on the millions of bodies available during this pandemic.

The early rationale, excused into the ether of over-hyped anxiety, is that examining the bodies was just too dangerous (but intubing them in an ICU isn’t?). This explanation doesn’t pass the sniff test once you understand that there is a two-decade old robotic autopsy industry. It is large enough to have an industry website. Even as of 2010, these robots performed “virtopsies” that included additional activities normally difficult in the usual autopsies. They can inject implants and other agents into the bloodstream to get a high resolution picture of what has actually gone on in the body.

However, a well-respected German pathologist who has performed a few dozen autopsies spoke out saying that he believed 30% to 40% of COVID-19 deaths were in fact vaccine-induced. There is also this case of an Italian surgeon trying to sound the alarm of vaccine-induced damage. There is a degree to which surgical data is a substantial subset of an autopsy.

The only reasons not to perform autopsies are to keep the public from understanding the nature of COVID-19, including the effects of vaccination.